Our Mission

The purpose of Press Forward Inc is to provide the necessary resources needed to Military Veterans and their families in the South Jersey Atlantic County Area of New Jersey in order for them to live a productive, safe, and healthy lifestyle.

We are a 501(c)(3) non profit organization

EIN #81-4868047

Upcoming events

Press Forward Scholarship fund

The Phyllis Pennington Strive For Excellence Scholarship

The Emma Barnwell Ancrum Push Forward Scholarship

The Letoya Coleman Rise Up Scholarship

The Press Forward Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to college-bound high school seniors based on demonstrated financial need and an express interest in pursuing a college education. 

Each Scholarship Award is $250.00.

The students eligible for assistance must be graduating high school seniors who reside in the Atlantic County area of South Jersey.  Each student must intend to continue their education at a two or four-year college or university or technical institute.  Consideration will be given to a student's financial need as well as the determination to further their schooling in their field of choice.  Students should submit a 500 - 700 word essay explaining what career path they are choosing and why, their financial need, and their willingness to continue their education. 

All submissions should be sent to pressforwardtogether@gmail.com and the subject line should read Press Forward Scholarship Submission. 

Scholarship submission dates are

March 4th 2024 - May 31st 2024

Winners will be announced June 7th 2024


We offer an array of resources that cater to the specific issue of the Military Veteran & their family.


For Inquiries and appointments, please call or email us and a member from our team will assist you.


To make a monetary donation to our organization, please the button below for more information.